Open Pairs French 2012 Championships


Source: ffbridge

Gisèle Onorato-Michèle Bore (Paris)

Poulat Simon & Andrea Landry (Lyonnais) won the Excelence Category.

The Honor Category returned to Paris when the pair: Gisèle Onorato-Michèle Bore won the Category.

In the Promotion Category the victory was for: Anne-Marie & Guy Facon (Provence).

 All the Results: Excelence    Honor   Promotion


1. Poulat Andrea Simon Landry (Lyon) 

2. Daniel Olivier Desages-Metraud (Vendée-Charentes-Poitou) 

3. Jean-Bernard Michaud Lanteri-Xavier-Larrivière (s)


1. Gisele Michele Onorato-Boro (París) 

2. Sabine Clermont-Yann Rouzaud (Dauphiné-Savoie) 

3. Página cristiana-Michel Faure (Orleans)

Anne-Marie & Guy Facon (Provence)


1. Anne-Marie y Guy Facon (Provenza) 

2. Mateo Clemente Mougeart Matorral (Alta Normandía) 

3. Arman-Jacques Bernard Castaing (Adour)