Norberto Bocchi Asks: Juan Pont


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Only two days to start the fourth edition of this international event where last year played 22 World Masters recognized by the WBF (World Bridge Federation), accompanied by 74 National Masters, providing a high level championship.

Taking this opportunity the World Grand Master Norberto Bocchi will perform a series of interviews with some of the most famous participants. To begin this series  Norberto chose Juanito Pont a Bridge Master from Barcelona, an excellent player and professional of Bridge, whose usual partner is Javier Graupera, both considered among the best players in Spain.

Juan Pont
Juan Pont

Juan Pont is a bridge professional player since 1992, he has served on the National Team of  Spain, has won various national and catalan championships, he has been responsible for the organization of many of the Catalan Federation tournaments and is currently the Chairman of the Competition Committee  of the AEB.

This is how Juan describes Bridge: «As a game that developes and keeps in shape the emory and the ability to concentrate, very suitable for older people. Besides encouraging social relationships, is a complete and not expensive activity.»

Among other activities currently teaches bridge and organizes bridge tournaments in the Real Club de Golf de Prat. (Juan Pont 680431988

 A) Why did Bridge seduce you?

I always liked all card games, and the difficulty and variety of Bridge hooked me immediately. I am still having fun as the first day, although I have 30 years playing and 20 as a professional.

B) What system do you play with your partner?

We play 2/1 with very natural continuations; we use few conventions for today’s uses.

C) How would you define your bridge style?

I’m a fairly conservative and a fast player, this makes me lose sometimes a point, but overall I have a very good performance.

D) What was your first Bridge book?

«Tecnicas de Carteo en Bridge» by Victor Mollo. It was my father’s present for my 17 birthday.

E) Was there any player who influenced your Bridge?

Equipo Bridge House Pont (en la foto, J.Pont, C.Fernández y J.Graupera), ganador del Campeonato por Equipos del III Open Internacional 2011 en su máxima categoría.

Basically my current partner Javier Graupera, is the person with whom I speak of bridge since 1990.

F) What is the greatest quality in your partner?

His analytical skills and his concentration, he has the virtue that when he gives a voice out of tune always gets good results.

G) What is your favorite tournament?

The three Nationals in USA are my favorites, especially the Spingold and the Vanderbilt.

H) What was your greatest joy in Bridge?

Probably the first major tournament I won in Barcelona in 1987, while still a junior.

I) Ignoring your regular partner, with what player would you like to take part in a big event?

You Norberto. I hope someday our professional commitments leave us a few days off to play something. We have won the Spain Championship three years ago and it was a great experience.

J) What pair would you choose today to have as teammates in the other room?

Rodwell-Meckstroth; Bocchi-Madala or Lauria-Versace

Meckstroth-Rodwell ACBL-NABC 2012
Bocchi-Madala Jean Les Pins 2010
Madala-Bocchi     Ganadores Jean Les Pins 2010
Lauria-Versace-Mundial de San Pablo 2009

K) Do you have a cabala when you sit at the table to play?

I choose the clothes I wear, I have pants, shirts and shoes that bring me luck.

 L) 1) Favorite Music? Some authors outside the Bridge? 

    2) Some favorite sport, are you a fan of some football team?    

    3) Favorite actor or actress. 

    4) Any painter or artist

I like all music except: jazz and flamenco. I don’t read a lot but I prefer historical books and biographies.

I’m a fan of the Barcelona, which is very rewarding in recent years with Messi and company.

My favorite actor is Jack Nicholson.

M) What do you do in your spare time when you are not playing Bridge?

In my spare time I play golf, paddle and ski.
