No Bridge Winners … we hope they return soon …And it did



01/04/2016 16:00 PM

Injunction Lifted

This afternoon a federal appeals judge overturned the lower court’s decision and lifted the injunction. The litigation remains ongoing, but we have been allowed to continue running the site. We thank our members for their support during this difficult time.

01/04/2016 10:00 am

Bad News: This morning we breakfasted…bridgewinners was offline …

Bridge Winners is an internet site that was able to capture the majority of the best bridge players in the world… The whole issue of the cheating last year is still hurting the world of bridge, closing today one of the most important bridge related Internet sites in the world. Fortunately it is not definitive and we hope that very soon we will be able to re-enter again to read the opinion of the best bridge players in countless issues and learn from their expertise …

The bridge world needs Bridge Winners…Receive all our support Ana Roth y Fernando Lema

This is the way Bridge Winners announces what and why …

Bridge Winners received notice earlier this week of a lawsuit being brought against the company by a coalition of disgruntled members and former members who had been suspended or banned from our site for violating our policies. The lawsuit alleges censorship and other First-Amendment violations for our «silencing of dissent» and libel and slander for our publishing of articles that included cheating accusations. A Florida court today granted the plaintiffs’ motion for an injunction against our site, requiring us to shut the site down pending the outcome of the trial. Our lawyers are confident that we have a strong case on both counts, and we are fighting as vigorously as our meager resources allow.

We have filed an appeal and hope to have the injunction lifted and the site back up and running soon, but if our appeal is denied Bridge Winners will be down until the lawsuit is settled, and if the outcome is not favorable for us possibly forever. We have loved running the site, and we thank all of our members for making this such a vibrant community. It has been a labor of love. Our goal has always been to serve and enhance the game of bridge and the community of bridge players. We regret that the actions of a small minority may prevent us from continuing this mission.

The Bridge Winners Team

Jason Feldman
Greg Humphreys
Eugene Hung
Robert Jungblut
Adam Parrish
Polly Siegel
Steve Weinstein
Gavin Wolpert