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USBF Open Trials for USA#2 in the Bermuda Bowl

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May 10th

The 2015 USBC will select the USA2 team for the 2015 Bermuda Bowl, to be held in Chennai, India from September 26 through October 10th. The 2015 USBC will be held at the Hyatt Regency, Schaumburg, IL, starting on Friday, May 8th and  ending on Sunday, May 17th.

Peg Kaplan
Peg Kaplan

These are Peg Kaplan fotos from the event:

The battle for the Round of 16 – continued…..

Posted by 2015 USBF Open Championships on Domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015

Saturday night, May 9th. The final battle to get to the Round of 16.

Posted by 2015 USBF Open Championships on Domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015

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