HomeItalian Bridge NewsThe Italian Bridge Federation new President

The Italian Bridge Federation new President

The FIGB: Federazione Italiana Giocco Bridge has a new president: Gianni Medugno.
After assuming this is a summary of the letter he published  in the FIGB website:
The more spontaneous and immediate that arises is THANK YOU! The succession of emotions in the last hours has been very hectic. The experience of recent months, traveling throughout Italy with the program has given me the strength and momentum to reach this Saturday even more aware of my beliefs. Noting that, despite all the difficulties, our movement is still a boundless passion and has a strong sense of belonging to the Federation. It is this endless passion that should not be delivered!
 The task is difficult, we come from a particularly difficult year, with many administrative and management problems to be faced. The Board of Directors, which took shape after the sovereign Electoral Assembly, consists of people who have demonstrated since Saturday afternoon, their helpful attitude, dedication to constructively and professionally work with the common goal of wanting to revive as soon as possible the fate of our Federation. I think definitely the right attitude is to set the tone and temperament to make sure to set aside the tensions, personalities, inappropriate shocks, trying to give back to all of you and ourselves, serenity and spirit that have long lost, to this wonderful sport. We must never forget the origins and where it all started, I am completely convinced that young people with enthusiasm, represent one of the key points and essential starting to secure a new future for our sport.
     I would like to share the policy document that emerged from the meetings with the associations:
     1. Disseminate and promote the bridge according to a Centralized Federal program, with memoranda of understanding, published in collaboration with the Regional Committees and Associations in the following areas: universities, companies, Professional Registration…
     2. Create conditions to promote an attractive approach for our sport on the web.
     3. Liberalize the education sector by encouraging those who have the greatest desire and time to devote to the bridge (eliminating, therefore, bureaucracy, burdensome regulations and obligations).
     4. To establish, on a merit system, the return of economic rights for all associations that operate within the law and help grow the federal system.
     5. Do much more streamlined and simplified the dissemination policy of the Bridge.
     6. Create an office and a marketing manager to ensure the correct visibility and development that our movement deserves.
     7. Work from the first day of our mandate in full transparency and compliance with regulations and in close collaboration with our members.
     I consider fundamental, and I’ve always done it in my life both professionally and private life, pay close attention to dialogue. For this I inform my new email address: presidenza@federbridge.it, feel free to email me and contact me whenever you see fit, please.
     I conclude that the list of acknowledgments I should do is very long, as the demonstrations of affection and esteem have been many. I will fight with all my strength not to betray the expectations that I can summarize in three points:
Transparency                  Standards                                Based Dialogue
     Thanks again with all my heart.
     The President
     Gianni Medugno

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