HomeIntermediate @enSuit combinations we should know by heart By Sartaj Hans

Suit combinations we should know by heart By Sartaj Hans

Source: The Imp Chimp By Sartaj Hans

1. A3 ………… J10542
Cash the Ace and duck on the way back.

2. A4 ………… Q10985
Run the queen. Counter-intuitive. Compare #4

3 32 ………… AK10987
Cash the Ace. Play low to the ten.

4. Q10943 …….. A5
Cash the Ace and lead low to the queen. Can pick doubleton jack but not doubleton king.

5. J987 …….. K654
Run the nine. Then Run the seven. Superior to intuitive low to the king and low to the nine.

6. Q10542 …….. A94
Low to the ace. Low to the ten. Bet most would “double hook”. Need the 8-spot for the double-hook to be right.

7. Q1053 ……… A942
Low to the ace. Low to the ten. Need the 8-spot for the double-hook.

8. J5 ………….. AK9843
Cash the Ace. Run the jack. Superior to the routine “low to the jack”. Low to the jack is correct when missing the 8-spot.

9. J5 ………… AK984
Cash the Ace. Run the Jack.

10. A5 ………… KJ984
Low to ace and low to the jack (or nine)

11. 32 ………… AKJ94
For four tricks, finesse the nine. If it loses, cash the Ace and King next.

12. Q1082 …….. A953
Finally….Double- hook 🙂

For combinations 7 and 12, leading a small one away from the ace is better if opponents are known to always hop king from Kx.


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