HomeLibraryAdvanced @enSlam Assists by Paul Lavings

Slam Assists by Paul Lavings

Source: www.abf.com.au; newslettersPaul Lavings

Slam bidding is one of the more difficult areas of bridge and bidding a slam will almost always get you a good score.

The strength of a bridge club can be gauged by its slam bidding. In the stronger clubs you need to bid the slam in a major or notrumps or bid a grand slam rather than just bid any slam at all.

A couple of recent hands show the value of slam bidding aids.

Partner, North, opens 4, both vulnerable, and you hold AK6, A87, 654, AK76

You know have at least 12 tricks, but what about the diamonds?

You could easily have two or even three losers there before you make your 12 tricks. Unsure of how to proceed, South bid 5, which the 4 opener passed, holding:

QJ1097543, K4, 2, Q5 6 a laydown and made 13 tricks on a club lead.

My solution is to play “one-under” slam tries in response to 4 and 4 openings, where you bid the suit under the suit where you have losers.

The bidding would simply proceed 4-5 (my problem is diamonds), 6.

With first round diamond control, an ace or void, the opener cues 5 over 5.

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