HomeCard Play @enSet Up the Side Suit By Frank Stewart

Set Up the Side Suit By Frank Stewart

This week’s deals involve the idea of “trump control”: preserving enough trumps so you can safely establish and cash your other winners. The best advice on trump control I know: When control may be a problem, set up your side suit early.

North Dealer N-S vulnerable

Contract 4 spades

Today’s declarer ruffed the second diamond, drew trumps and next led the ace and a low club. East won and led a third diamond, and South was in difficulty: When he ruffed with his last trump, he had lost control. South took three hearts, but West won the last two tricks with the king of clubs and a diamond. Down one.


Even when the trumps break 3-2, South must set up his clubs early. After South ruffs the second diamond, he leads the ace and a low club. He ruffs the next dia-mond and concedes another club. When West wins, he can’t beat the contract.

If West leads a diamond, South can ruff in dummy preserving the remaining trumps in his hand. He can then draw trumps and cash his good club and three hearts to land the contract.


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