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Raptor convention

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Some hands are just hard to bid. Consider for example that you hold spade KQJ2 heart suit A43 diamond 7 club QJT85 RHO opens 1heart suit. You have a good hand, but you feel that your club suit is insufficient for an overcall. 1spade is also less than ideal. A double is out of the question, as you have no tolerance for diamond . The solution: A Raptor 1NT overcall!

The Raptor 1NT overcall over an opposing 1-level suit opening is a contract bridge convention that indicates a two-suited hand with exactly four cards in the unbid major and a longer suit in an unbid minor.

The idea of utilising a 1NT overcall to denote a 5-4 two suiter seems to have originated independently in Sweden and Poland in the early eighties of the twentieth century. The name, however, comes from Ron Sutherland and his son who reinvented this approach and published it in a Toronto magazine in 1993 under the acronym “wRAP around TORonto” style.

When playing Raptor, an overcall of 1NT shows a 4 card major and a longer (5+) card minor. One of these suits will be known. For example: (1club) – 1NT shows 5+ diamonds and a 4 card major. (1heart suit) – 1NT shows 4 spades and a 5 card minor.

Strength is a matter for partnership agreement. Compared with a natural 2-level overcall, the Raptor 1NT may be safe with fewer points, as it promises two places to play, and it may have a wider range, as it is forcing.

Opener Overcaller Meaning
1 club 1 NT Shows an unknown 4-card Major suit and a 5/6-card Diamond suit
1 diamond 1 NT Shows an unknown 4-card Major suit and a 5/6-card Club suit
1 heart suit 1 NT Shows a 4-card Spade suit and an unknown 5/6-card Minor suit
1 spade 1 NT Shows a 4-card Heart suit and an unknown 5/6-card Minor suit


  • A bid of the known suit is to play.
  • If the major suit is known, then advancer’s cue bid shows a limit raise of the major (or better)
  • If the major suit is unknown, then advancer’s cue bid requests that opener bid his major, and may be weak.
  • If the minor suit is unknown, 2club asks overcaller to pass (with clubs) or correct to 2diamond suit.
  • Other bids tend to show values in the suit, and suggest it as trump even if the overcaller is short.

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