HomeCard Play @enProbabilities by John Brown

Probabilities by John Brown

The percentages given below have been taken from Mr. Ely Culbertson’s : The Red Book on Play

7 cards in opponents’ hands are divided: 

  • 4-3 About three times in five deals (62%)
  • 5-2 About three times in ten deals (31%)
  • 6-1 About once in fourteen deals (7%)
  • 7-0 About once in 200 deals 0.5%)

6 cards in opponents’ hands are divided:

  • 4-2 About once in two deals (48%)
  • 3-3 About seven times in twenty deals (36%)
  • 5-1 About three times in twenty deals (25%)
  • 6- 0 Once in 1oo deals (1 %)


5 cards in opponents’ hands are divided:

  • 3-2 About seventeen times in twenty-five deals (68%)
  • 4-1 About twice in seven (28%)
  • 5-0 Once in twenty deals (5%)

4 cards in opponents’ hands are divided:

  • 3-1 Once in two deals (5o%)
  • 2-2 Twice in five deals (40%)
  • 4-0 Once in ten deals (10%)

3 cards in opponents’ hands are divided:

  • 2-1 Rather less than four times in five hands are divided: deals (78%)
  • 3-0 Rather more than once in five deals (22%)

2 cards in opponents’ hands are divided:

  • 1-1 About once in two deals (52%)
  • 2-0 About once in two deals (48%)It should be observed that when there is an odd number of cards in the opponents’ hands, they are more often than not as evenly divided as possible. When that is an even number of cards in the opponents’ hands, they are more often than not unevenly divided.

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