HomeBridge HandsPenalty Kicks in Tromso 2015

Penalty Kicks in Tromso 2015


7th European Open Championships

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June 28, 2015 Tromso Norway

The 2015 Copa América is the 44th edition of the Copa América, the main international football tournament for national teams in South America, and currently taking place in Chile between the dates of 11 June to 4 July 2015.

Argentina advanced to the semifinals when Carlos Tevez scored the winning spot kick as Argentina beat Colombia 5-4 on penalties after a goalless draw that his side had dominated throughout. As Everton and Douglas Costa miss their penalties, Brazil was sent out of Copa America following a penalty shootout loss to Paraguay.

In the semi-finals Chile will face Peru this Monday, while Argentina will face Paraguay on Tuesday, 30th June.

As in the Copa America penalties are defining some important matchs, in the European Mixed Teams Championships some players are shooting penalities to define boards…

Breno team, who had finished second on the first day of the qualifying stage, took the lead after the first match of the day and eventually won the Round Robin. In the 9th Round in the Zaleski-Zimmermann match, Zaleski knowing that his team had enough lead decided to kick the ball…no luck.

T 2015 CMR10Tab 22

Board 22

Olivieri opened 1NT and after a Pass, Zaleski begun with a transfer to heart, and after a 2heart response he invited to slam with a 5NT call with no diamond control…

He kicked the ball expecting a diamond control in his partner hand, as she had opened 1NT and all his 16 points were outside the diamond suit. Perhaps if her partner didnt have diamondA or diamondK, those honors could split and opps wouldnt lead the suit…

Olivieri with heart J 9 7 support closed the heart slam.

Bad luck, Willard  in South had diamond A-K and the diamondA frustrated Zaleski’s kick.  47 of the 87 tables playing the Mixed Teams European Championship decided to play slam in this hand, all of them were down.

In the same round and match, but on board 28 Phillipe Cronier from the Zimmermann team, decided to kik the ball too…also with negative results.

T 2015 CMR10Tab 28

Board 28  

Cronier opened 1diamond and his partner showed his spades with 1, Cronier with no support, limited his hand with 1NT. After D’Ovidio showed a strong hand with a six-card spade suit, Cronier’s 4 accepted the spade as trumps and invited to investigate the slam. East showed her her first control with 4heart and Cronier with no diamond control, kick the ball and said 5heart. d’Ovidio playing his partner had to stop diamond slam closed.

mostrara su palo sexto de espadas, Cronier con 4 mostró apoyo a espadas e invito a investigar el slam. Este mostró su primer control con 4heart, y Cronier sin stopper a diamante pateo al arco un 5heart. d’Ovidio playing his partner with a diamond stopper closed the spade slam.

Again a diamond lead frustrated the penalty kick, and again 43 tables played the slam in this board, but this time 20 defenders didnt find the diamond lead and the slam was made.

At the end of the match Fernando approached both players to ask the reasons for their actions. Zaleski told Fernando that he wanted to use their considerable advantage in the standings, and as his partner had much chance of having a diamond stopper, he decided to jump and make the defense to guess the lead.

Cronier in turn explained that it was possible that his partner with a singleton diamond, could have mention her heart first, his 5heart (giving the possibility of a 5 response), was a way to give her some space to review the situation, but d’Ovidio had not interpreted his call in the same way.

Finally Silvie Willard and Andrea Manno, as their team goalkeepers stopped the penalties.

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