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Goulash Bridge Tips

To deal unshuffled cards in packets. One variation involves dealing one packet of 5 consecutive cards off the pack to the first player, a second packet of ...

2014 Spring NABC Vanderbilt: Gromov-Kasle

The Gromov team defeated 174 to 120 the Kasle team in the 2014 Vanderbilt Round of 16.

Crime and Punishment in the 2013 Portugal Open Teams

In the final Team Maria Joao Manuel Lara faced Oliveira Team. The last set begun 57-42, a small advantage for Oliveira. Photo Team M.Joao Lara

The Shortness Rule by Eric Kokish

Over 3 hearts you could adopt something I call the shortness rule: when a player shows nine or more cards in two suits and a fit of eight or more cards is confirmed in a gameforcing auction, that players next...

Your Bid XI Answer

Steve Robinson asked to an experts panel. You are South and these are your cards:

Confusing the defence by Liz Mcgowan

Most Wests were disappointed on this deal. When partner shows some support it seems normal to bid slam, but, unfortunately, it does not make.

The Leap to 4 of a Major by Bob Crosby

One of the most frequent “bridge crimes” is the leap to 4 of a major on any type of hand.

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