HomeBridge Sports @enMossop team wins the English Premier League

Mossop team wins the English Premier League

ebulogoSource: EBU

The Premier League has been won by the team of David Mossop, Jason Hackett, Justin Hackett, Alex Hydes, David Price and Colin Simpson (pictured left).

David Mossop, Jason Hackett, Justin Hackett, Alex Hydes, David Price and Colin Simpson
David Mossop, Jason Hackett, Justin Hackett, Alex Hydes, David Price and Colin Simpson

They started the second weekend in second place, behind the De Botton team, and the lead fluctuated between the two teams for the early part of the weekend. When both teams lost in round 5 and 6 the Allfrey team, who were undefeated across the weekend, moved ahead of them both, and held a very marrow lead with one match to go. With first playing third, and second playing fourth, any of those four teams could have won, and when the Allfrey and Hinden teams drew, the Mossop team’s victory took them back to the top of the table for a final and decisive time. After 336 boards they had finished just 2.9 VPs ahead of the team of Alexander Allfrey, Andrew Robson, Tony Forrester, David Gold, David Bakhshi and Mike Bell. The Hinden team was third, a further 4.48 VPs behind.

The winners have earned selection to represent England in one weekend of the 2016 Camrose Trophy series, and the European Champions’ Cup 2016 if England qualifies.

The Second Division was won by Andrew Black, Gunnar Hallberg, Phil King, Andrew McIntosh, Derek Patterson and Gerald Tredinnick. They had a very strong finish to the event, scoring 58.55 out of a possible 60 in the final three rounds, including two 20-0 victories against their near rivals, and won by 19.29 VPs. The team of Neil Rosen, Ian Draper, Martin Jones, Kay Preddy, Norman Selway and Jeremy Willans were second.

The First Division is part of the Championship Series, so all the members of the Mossop team are now joint leaders of the Player of the Year Competition.

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