HomeBridge HandsMontecatini 2017: By Luck Montecatini has a cure for Stress

Montecatini 2017: By Luck Montecatini has a cure for Stress

8th European Open Championships

Montecatini, Italy • 10 – 24 June 2017

 Championship Site   EBL Championship Bulletin   Mixed Teams Results 

June 10, 2017

For true bridge players there is no activity that absorbs them in the way bridge does. But on the way to satisfaction, during the championships there are some stones = hands that produce a bitter moment accompanied by stress, difficult to combat. Luckily this open European championship is being played in Montecatini, which boasts its anti-stress hot springs.

Badger vs Mnepo

England, Scotland


Jeffrey ALLERTON (England) player
Frances HINDEN (England) player
Paula LESLIE (Scotland) player
Graham OSBORNE (England) player


Anna GULEVICH (Russia) player
Georgi MATUSHKO (Russia) player
Sergei ORLOV (Russia) player
Olga PAVLUSHKO (Russia) player
Evgeni RUDAKOV (Russia) player
Elena RUDAKOVA (Russia) player
Georgi MATUSHKO (Russia) playing captain

Mixed Teams Round 4, Board 1


East = Hinden decided to open his hand with a 2NT bid, South= Pavlushko interrupted with 3NT showing a one-color heart hand and West = Osborne invited to 6NT. East who had already stretched out his hand, did not accept.

Declarer received the 3 lead, he won at the table and played a spade to the ace and continued with a heart, when South played small, he passed the 10 winning the trick. When the return of a small club to the jack also was successful, she claimed 12 tricks.

At the other table, East = Rudakov started a level lower, opening 1 (strong), South = Leslie also competed but with 2. West = Rudakov doubled and East closed the spade game. West with an incredible support in his partner’s suit and extras in front of a strong hand, continued asking for keycards and finally the pair chose to play the spade slam.


South led his A and the declarer claimed 12 tricks.

Getting trapped in your own trap causes a lot of stress …

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