I’lI get so lonesome sometimes, defending these hands all alone,” remarked Mr. Champion plaintively. “I’d like to take up some kind of partnership game … something other than bridge where, of course, it’s every man for himself.”
South Dealer, Nobody Vulnerable
This heavy sarcasm .. as not los on Mr Muzzy. What do you expect me to do see through the backs of the cards?: he asked hotly
“Of course not” Mr Champion replied. You’ve been playing for 20 years and the fronts of the cards still baffle you.
This discussion …based on the fact that on two separate occasions during the play of this hand, Mr. Muzzy. had overlooked golden opportunities to take his partner off an end-play. The king of hearts was opened and Mr. Champion carefully played the deuce. If Mr. Muzzy had shifted to the jack of diamonds at trick two the contract would have been doomed.
However, he stubbornly continued with the ace of hearts. Mrs Keen ruffed and took two rounds of trumps. She then cashed the ace, king and queen of clubs, sluffing a diamond from dummy. Next she ruffed her last club. Mr. Muzzy discarding a small heart. The closed hand was re-entered by ruffing dummy’s last heart.
HER PREPARATION completed, Mrs Keen now led a diamond toward dummy’s king. This was Mr. Muzzy’s second opportunity to save the day. The only thing he saved was the jack of diamond! He played the trey, the eight went on from dummy and Mr Champion, was in with the ten.
A heart return would let Mrs Keen discard a losing diamond while ruffing on the board. A diamond return would enable bet to win a trick with dummy’s king. Mr. Champion gave up.
Actual, Mr. Muzzy needed nothing to know that he should had played the jack on the first diamond trick. His side needed three more tricks. Obviously there were no more tricks available in, spades, hearts or clubs. And to win three tricks in diamonds. Mr. Champion would have to hold the ace, queen and ten. As his only hope, Mr Muzzy should have played his partner to that holding.
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