HomeNet SurfingHow to choose the National Team? Part 2

How to choose the National Team? Part 2

"Christian Vennerød"Oslo (Noruega), Abril 14, 2012

  If you didnt read the First Part: Click Here

 Christian Vennerød is non-playing captain of the open bridge team of Norway and at the same time a well-known television presentator. For the national bridge magazine of his country Mr. Vennerød wrote an article on how he picked the teams for Dublin and Lille. Yesterday we published part 1. Hereunder you read the second and final part.

When the going gets tough, the ….
Yet I cannot deny that some players make me feel more secure than others. I will never forget Boye’s will to win in Pau in 2008, when he almost by himself pushed the team to attain the Championship. Norway had never won a European Championship, and we played there with three freshly established pair combinations. Yet, Boye wanted to play each and every match towards the end, driving for gold medals!

In reality, Thomas and Thor Erik have constituted the core of the Norwegian team since the last EC. No other pair in the squad has sought international competition with the same zeal and joy. Their presence at the table is intense. They look forward to playing against Bocchi again, soon. Thor Erik has even quit smoking in order to play better bridge.

Ulf and Glenn play with…read the rest of the article in BridgeTopics.com

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