HomeLibraryAdvanced @enExpert Defense Might Defeat By O. Jacoby

Expert Defense Might Defeat By O. Jacoby

The Southeast Missourian – 19 Ago 1965

E/W vulnerable South Dealer

Opening lead: K

Take a look at the North and South hands only. You are playing three no-trump and duck the first two spade leads. You win the third spade and run off five club tricks, Your opponents have to make a lot of discards. If they throw away the last two spades you can afford to go after hearts and will be sure of your contract. If they hang on to their spades you will need three diamond tricks and will have to pick up the queen to get them.

A good declarer playing against ordinary oponents would have little or no trouble. The chances are that East would have discarding problems and would probably let go the four of hearts first: the three of diamonds next and finally his last spade. West on the other hand would probably let a couple of diamonds go and expert South would lead a diamond to dummy’s king and f-nesse against East’s queen.

Put expert defenders in the East and West seats and South would have a real problem. Expert East would see that he would have to make three discards and would also note that his partner could not have any help for him in either red suit. So East would let go the four of hearts and two low diamonds without any strain at all.

Meanwhile Wost would do his best to protect his partner’s queen by letting three hearts go and hanging on to all his little diamonds. South might still work things out but the chances are that he would play West for the diamond queen and wind up going down two tricks.

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