
When the declarer has an abundance of trumps — usually nine or more — there are many situations where a trick can be gained by putting an opponent on lead. Typically, the defender must either lead from an honor in one suit, or provide a ruff and discard by leading another suit. This generally occurs toward the end of the play, so it is commonly called an “endplay.”

This lesson explains how to recognize the possibility of an endplay at a suit contract and the technique to bring it about.

  Tenace Positions

Most endplays involve a tenace, an honor combination with which declarer may gain a trick if the suit is led by an opponent. Below are some examples of tenaces:


  4 3 2
  A Q

You may gain a trick if your left-hand opponent leads.


  K 4
  3 2

You may gain a trick if your right-hand opponent leads.


  A J 4
  Q 3 2

You may gain a trick if… Click Here to continue Reading




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