HomeLibraryIt Ain't Necessarily SoDelta Swiss II/2: Trapping the Camel Dealer

Delta Swiss II/2: Trapping the Camel Dealer

“We have a 20 DMP (Desert Match Point) lead,” Poppa Jake told his troops before they took their seats for the second half of the Delta Swiss semifinal. “What we have to do now is to protect it, keep from doing anything rash.”

The old man shrugged his shoulders before continuing. “That makes some lineup changes necessary,” he said, looking directly at Gad and Asher, his two middle sons who had done so well in the first half against Shakshuka, the camel-seller from the bazaar. “Since we need stability, our more experienced pair, Levi and Simon, will take the North-South positions at one table while Big Rube and I will go to bat against that foul-smelling camel-lover and that equally malodorous fishmonger at the other.”

Halfway into the final segment, Shakshuka showed that his dummy play was far from stinky on this deal. Click Here to continue reading

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