HomeBridge HandsCount Points While Defend by Alfred Sheinwold

Count Points While Defend by Alfred Sheinwold

The Morning Record – Mar 10, 1975 by Alfred Sheinwold

Most bridge players find defense more difficult than declarers play. That needn”t be a problem to any player who has u$s10 since Los Angeles expert Eddie Kantar”s new giant book on defense should just about double anybody”s defense skill. Today”s hand, lifted from Kantar”s book, shows how easy it is to be a genius when you think the right way.shw 2

Perhaps you don”t agree with North”s opening bid,” Kantar admits, but that”s not the problem here.

The moment West leads the queen of spades, East knows that South has the ace-king of spades and therefore no ace of clubs for his weak bidding.

East plays the deuce of spades at trick one to let West in on best online casino the secret. Don”t give the count signal in this situation. It is far more important to tell partner that you have no honors in spades.

At trick two a diamond is led to the queen and king. A player who hasn”t bothered to work anything out at this point will return spade. However you will return a club because you know your parter has the ace.

Notice that if you dont return a club declarer makes the hand by discarding a losing club on dummy”s fourth diamond after cashing two high trumps.

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