InicioNovedadesEl Bridge en SudamericaConfederacion Sudamericana de Bridge Seminario de la WBF 2016 Medellin, Colombia

Confederacion Sudamericana de Bridge Seminario de la WBF 2016 Medellin, Colombia

Programa del seminario para dirigentes de las NBO de Sudamerica, zona 3 de la WBF, a realizarse entre el 25 y el 27 de Mayo en la ciudad de Medellin Colombia.


Miércoles 25 de Mayo

Micke Melander
Micke Melander

Sesión de la mañana, Moderador: Marcelo Caracci

– 10.00 – Welcome & Greetings and Seminar Opening

– 10.05 – “Aims of the Seminar”, by Marcelo Caracci, CSB President

– 10.15 – “Focus on the WBF, its structure and organization”, by Gianarrigo Rona, WBF President

– 10.45 – Discussion

– 11.00 – Coffee Break

– 11.15 – “Public Relations”, by Micke Melander, SBF Secretary General, WBF & EBL Youth Committee

– 11.45 – Discussion

– 12.00 – “Promotion of Bridge Sport”, by Simon Fellus, WBF Secretary

– 12.30 – Discussion

– 12.45 – End of the session

Alvin Levy
Alvin Levy

Sesión de la tarde, Moderator: Alvin Levy

– 15.30 – “The General Principle for the National Bridge Federations and their structure, organisation and management”, by Gianarrigo Rona, WBF President

– 16.00 – Discussion

– 16.15 – Coffee Break

– 16.30 – “The new technology in bridge and Bridge On Line” by Alvin Levy, WBF Executive Vice President

– 17.00 – Discussion

-17.15 – “The organisation and management of a bridge competition and the WBF Championship Policy”, by Maurizio Di Sacco, WBF Operation Director

– 17.45 – Discussion

– 18.00 – “CBS Survey Results”, by Simon Fellus, WBF Secretary

– 18.15 – Discussion

– 18.30 – Final de la sesión.

Jueves 26 de Mayo.

Maurizio di Sacco
Maurizio di Sacco

Sesión de la mañana, Moderador: Marcelo Caracci

– 10.00 – “Formation and update of the Bridge Tournament Directors”, by Maurizio Di Sacco, WBF Operation Director

– 10.30 – Discussion

– 10.45 – Coffee Break

– 11.00 – “The Bridge Teaching”, by GA Rona, WBF President

– 11.30 – Discussion

– 11.45 – “Learn to promote bridge”, By Gilad Ofir, WBF Kids Committee

– 12.15 – Discussion

– 12.30 – End of the session

Sesion de la tarde, Moderador: Gianarrigo Rona

Gianarrigo Rona
Gianarrigo Rona

– 15.00 – “Recruitment of Juniors”, by Micke Melander, SBF Secretary General, WBF & EBL Youth Committee

– 15.30 – Discussion

– 15.45 – “Being a bridge coach,” by Gilad Ofir, WBF Kids Committee

– 16.15 – Discussion

– 16.30 – Coffee Break

– 16.45 – “A case study”, by Simon Fellus, WBF Secretary

– 17.00 – Discussion

– 17.15 – “Bridge 60 +”, by Marek Malysa“

– 17.45 – Discussion“ –

– 18.30 – Discussion

– 18.45 – Final de la sesion

Viernes 27 de Mayo

Sesion de Cierre, Moderador: Marcelo Caracci

Marcelo Caracci
Marcelo Caracci

– 10.00 – “International Organisations”, by GA Rona, WBF President

– 10.30 – Discussion

– 10.45 – “Ethics, Behaviour and Discipline in Bridge – Policy and Procedure”, by David Harris, WBF General Counsel

– 11.15 – Discussion

– 11.30 – Coffee Break

– 11.45 – The WBF Website, by Alvin Levy, WBF Executive Vice President

– 12.15 – Discussion

– 12.30 – Presentation of the 2016 World Championships, by Gianarrigo Rona

– 12.45 – Questions & Answers

– 13.00 – Works Synthesis & Closing, by Marcelo Caracci, CSB President.


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