HomeLibraryConventionsCan The Michaels Cuebid be Improved? By Marilyn Hemenway

Can The Michaels Cuebid be Improved? By Marilyn Hemenway

Source: http://www.acblunit559.com/articles/michaels.html

Most of you are probably familiar with the convention known as a Michaels cuebid.   It was invented by Mike Michaels many years ago and allows you to show a two-suited hand (usually with 5-5 distribution) after an opponent opens the bidding.  The concept is to use a cuebid of the opponent’s suit to show two other suits, and thus describe your hand with one bid.  The hand often doesn’t qualify as a takeout double, and the point count range can be on the weak side.  In the past, the range of the Michaels cuebid was limited to about 7-10 high-card points.  Over the years, however, it has become acceptable to have almost any range for this bid.

The convention works like this.

Over an opponent’s 1 or 1 opener, a direct cuebid shows both major suits, normally 5-5.  Over a a major-suit opening the direct cuebid shows the other major and one unknown minor, again usually with at least 5-5 distribution.  At favorable vulnerability, some partnerships have relaxed the suit length requirement so that the Michaels cuebid can be used with 5-4 or 6-4 hands with the longer suit being a minor.  But at unfavorable vulnerability, most stick to the minimum distribution of 5-5 with reasonable strength.

It is this ambiguity that makes necessary a better way of responding to partner’s Michael’s cuebid.  If you prefer to play that your Michael’s cuebid can have a wide range, it is necessary to have a method for your partner to find out how weak or strong you are.  Here’s how you can do that.


South West North East
1 2 Pass ?

After a Michael’s cuebid over a major, an auction such as this example, the responder would use this scheme:

2 is to play and is non-invitational;

3 asks the Michaels bidder to pass if his suit is clubs or to correct to diamonds if that is his second suit

3,4 or 5 shows diamonds and are not correctable;

4 or 5 show clubs and are not correctable;

3NT     is to play;

2NT     asks whether the Michaels bidder is minimum or maximum;

Let’s use this sample auction.

South West North East
1 2 Pass 2NT
Pass ?

You bid 2, a Michael’s cuebid showing hearts and a minor, and partner inquires with 2NT.

These are your suggested rebids:

3 shows clubs (and hearts) and a minimum;

3 shows diamonds (and hearts) and a minimum;

3 shows clubs (and hearts) and a maximum;

3 show diamonds (and hearts) and a maximum.


In response to Michael’s over a minor, for example:

South West North East
1 2 Pass ?

These are the responses:

2 is to play and is not invitational;

2 is to play and is not invitational;

2NT asks for major suit length and strength.

In this case, rebids to 2NT by the Michaels bidder are as follows:

3  shows minimum values with longer hearts;

3  shows minimum values with longer spades;

3 shows minimun values with 5-5 in the majors;

3  shows maximum values with longer hearts;

3NT   shows maximum values with longer spades;

4 shows maximum strength with equal length and club shortness;

4 shows maximum strength with equal length and diamond shortness.

There’s some memory work involved but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!

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