Daily News – 20 Sep 1979
On the diagrammed deal. East-West psyched the inexperienced North-South pair out of a cold game contract, but wound up with nothing but a good story for their efforts.
South opened two clubs, a strong, artificial opening bid showing either a lot of high cards or any strong suit or suits. West decided this was the moment to jam up the opponents’ auction. He over-called two hearts on his singleton, intending to rescue himself to three clubs if he was doubled. North did not know what  to do so he passed.
Because East had so many hearts and only one spade he decided to make a psyche of his own: two spades. South passed. He was flabbergasted. West passed and North came to life with a three-spade cue bid.
Unbelievably, everyone passed. The ace of hearts was led, dummy was exposed and both of the experts had a laugh at the expense of the novices. After a heart continuation at trick two, West ruffed and declarer made 11 tricks.
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