HomeBridge & HumorBridge & Humor: Cupid Has Grand Slam on Jacoby

Bridge & Humor: Cupid Has Grand Slam on Jacoby

Dallas, Texas, April 23 1932.

Bridge Expert Engaged To Wed Texas Tennis Star After 5-Day Courtship.

Cupid scored a grand slam in hearts when Oswald Jacoby left the bridge table for the tennis court. It was love at first, sight. The New York bridge expert saw Miss Mary Zita McHale, Dallas tennis star, in action five days ago. His heart did a topspin.

Friday their engagement was announced. The wedding bells will ring next Monday at the rectory of Sacred Heart cathedral. The 21-year-old bride-elect, a graduate of Southern Methodist university, is the national public park women’s singles tennis champion.

She doesn’t know how to play contract bridge and has played only a few games of auction. Jacoby wields a racket with more than ordinary abllity, but isn’t good enough to beat Miss McHale.

“Say man,” he exclaimed, “I hope I am lucky enough to hold the matches fairly close in our future sets.”

And about bridge: “Just wait, I’ll show her how to play contract as well as she now plays tennis and that will be plenty good.”

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