HomeBridge HandsBoard One By Steve Gaynor

Board One By Steve Gaynor

Source: Minnesota Bridge          

Steve Gaynor provide us with a cute story that actually happened at the table!



The Rabbit and the Toucan were discussing modern trends in bidding. “Those Juniors bid on anything these days and they get away with it,” commented the Rabbit. The Toucan agreed. “We have to match that if we expect to do well. “

Sure enough, they had their chance last Friday morning at the recent sectional at the Twin City Bridge Center. On board 1 against Papa the Greek and Karapet Djouliyakin, the Free Armenian. Papa opened 2NT with the North hand and Timothy, East, was in there with 3 which they played as a transfer to clubs. Karapet doubled to show values in spades and interest in game, the Rabbit dutifully bid 4 and Papa, greedily anticipating a big penalty, slapped the double card on the table. Three passes ended the auction. Papa started with the top spade and continued the suit, wanting the Rabbit on the board leading into Papa’s strong hand. The Rabbit did not want to use his hand entries up as he was afraid they could continue diamonds and shut him out of his hand, so he led a small club from the board. Karapet did not consider having to play the queen, so the trick went to Papa’s ace.

Another spade was ruffed on the board and it was not long until the Rabbit drew the remaining trumps and with the diamonds behaving like trained seals claimed 11 tricks for +610. Karapet sighed, “My curse of the Djouli is active even in the Western hemisphere.” Papa had no coherent words to add.

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