Buenos Aires, May 26, 2017
A few days ago I found the following card play which I found very instructive.
Dealer  East Vul: None
 K Q 9 6 3  Q 10 5  A J 10  9 5 |
 A J 10  A K 8 4 3  6 5 2  K 4 |
The Bidding: South opened 1, North showed his spade suits, afterwards his heart support and South enede as the 6Â contract declarer.
Lead:Â 7
Assuming trumps are 3/2… What would be your plan for this contract?
South won the lead in his hand, cashed the ace and the king of trumps and watching both opponents assisting the suit, gave a third round to began to run dummy’s spades.
On the fourth and fifth turn of spades, South must chose what minor suit to discard. By choosing the suit he is depositing his hopes to fulfill his contract.
Plan A: Discard the two diamonds from your hand and pray that East is the owner of  the ace of clubs. This plan is a 50% plan.
Plan B: Discard the two clubs on the two spades and play the diamond double finesse. This plan is at 75% of the odds.
So remember, divided honors or two well placed honors grants 75%, 25% higher than a simple finesse.
The 4 hands were:
 K Q 9 6 3  Q 10 5  A J 10  9 5 |
 7 2  J 9 6  K 7 3  A J 10 8 2 |
 8 5 4  7 2  Q 9 8 4  Q 7 6 3 |
 A J 10  A K 8 4 3  6 5 2  K 4 |
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