HomeDefense @enBad Play By Easley Blackwood

Bad Play By Easley Blackwood

Ellensburg Daily Record – 28 Ago 1956

Muzzy Bids No Trump First, Is Defeated by Own Bad Play

South dealer Both sides vulnerable

Opening Lead: 6

The great Mr. Champion cursed himself for bidding one spade on the first round of bidding in today’s hand. Not that it was a bad bid, but it was highly questionable from the humanics standpoint. Mr. Champion wished that he had bid three no trump and I agree with him. With Mr. Muzzy its partner, why fool around with beautiful approach bids?

From the North seat it looked like a no trump hand, so why not try to get the play? Why submit Mr. Muzzy to the strain of acting as declarer—especially when that strain would automatically extend to his partner? But Mr. Champion spoke too quickly and when the bidding came around to Mr. Muzzy, he got the no trump call in first.

As a matter of fact, this particular hand was a hard hand to louse up, even for Mr. Muzzy. But with his typical ingenuity in that direcction he found a way.

Key Defensive Play

The six of diamonds was opened and all he had to do was to duck the first trick. However, the contract looked easy to him and he went right up with dummy’s ace. Here Miss Brash started the key defensive play which eventually brought about the defeat of the hand. Using the rule of eleven (deducting the number of the card led from 11), she found there were five diamonds higher than the six spot outside of Mr. Abel’s hand.

So she dropped the jack on the first trick nod awaited developments. At trick two Mr. Muzzy led dummy’s jack of clubs and let it ride. Mr. Abel won with the king and returned the four of diamonds. Mr. Muzzy, playing in a haze of unjustified optimism, won with dummy’s king.

One Left

From Mr. Abel’s play of the four spot, Miss Brash knew he had started with five diamonds and therefore Mr. Muzzy had only one left. So she played the queen to avoid blocking the suit. This convinced Mr. Muzzy that she was now out of diamonds. His only remaining fear was that the ace of hearts was in Mr. Abel’s hand.

He led a small heart to the jack at the next trick and was overjoyed when it was Miss Brash who win. But Miss Brash calmly produced the five of diamonds and her partner ran off  three more tricks.

“I’ve been stabbed,” Mr. Muzzy screamed.

“Where’d you get that little diamond’?”

“I dropped my queen and jack by mistake.” said Miss demurely.

“I’ll forgive you this time, partner,” grinned Mr. Abel.  “But don’t forget to let it happen again.”

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