7th European Open Championships
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On this deal from the Marit Sveaas Pairs, it was not uncommon to see N/S bid a game (and sometimes make it). The American brothers, Adam and Zach Grossack made a mockery of that with the EW cards:
Board 24. Dealer West. None Vul
 10 9 8  A 6 5 4   K 10 8 2       A 2 |
 A J 4 2         K Q 3  7 5  J 9 7 6 |
 7 6 3  10 9 7  A J 9 4 3       10 5 |
 K Q 5  J 8 2  Q 6   K Q 6 4 3 |
The Auction:
Weste  | North   | East  |   South  |
Grossack | Haga | Grossack | Baardsen |
 1 |  Pass |  1 |    Pass |
 1NT |  End |  |    |
Lead: 10
North led the ten of spades and declarer took South’s queen with the A and played a club to the 10 and Q.
After cashing the king of spades South played a third round of the suit and declarer won and played a diamond, ducking when North went in with the K.
When North returned the 2 declarer went up with dummy’s ace and played the 7 to the Q and A.
When North returned a heart declarer took South’s 9 with the K, cashed the master spade, crossed to dummy with a heart and exited with a club, forcing North to lead into dummy’s diamond tenace.
+120 was worth 110/10, helping the brothers into eight place at the end of the second session.
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