HomeBridge HandsA Three Suited Squeeze at the Spa by Fulvio Fantoni

A Three Suited Squeeze at the Spa by Fulvio Fantoni

Written by Fulvio Fantoni on 04 March 2014 for http://www.fulviofantoni.com

Hi all 😆

After a nice week at the spa now it is time to greet the guests of our vacation and leave Abano Terme… but only till next year.  I will tell you about a board from the tournament of yesterday evening:

The tournament is MP, the ranking is shown in real time and it is not good; in order to recover it is important to make some extra tricks.
This is one of the reasons why, despite Spades fit, we are playing 3SA.

In South I get the lead 9.

I can count: 4 tricks is Spades, 3 tricks in Diamonds, 2 or 3 tricks in Clubs (according to the split).

On 9 I put a low one, East discards Hearts and I take with the K of the hand. Now I play the 7 for West’s 8 and dummy’s 10, while East discards another Hearts.

Now it is time to set Clubs. With double finesse, if an opponent has the K and the other has the Q I can gain at least a trick (two tricks if Clubs break 3-3). So I play the J. East puts a low one, I play a low one and West takes with his King.

Opponent plays a Spades back, on which I put a low from dummy. East starts to show discard problems symptoms, and, with some suffering, he leaves another Hearts. I take with my Q and play Diamonds to go back at dummy and run the 10.

What should East play?

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