HomeBenito Garozzo Tells Us an End Play

Benito Garozzo Tells Us an End Play

Arturo Franco
Arturo Franco

Video: B.Garozzo 6th European Open Bridge Championships;  Ostend, Belgium • 15 – 29 June 2013 By Fribourg2012

CsbNews note from Wikipedia: The Blue Team (Italian: “Squadra azzurra“) represented Italy in international contract bridge tournaments, winning sixteen world titles from 1957 through 1975. From 1964 to 1969 and during a 1972 comeback, the team comprised three regular pairs: Walter Avarelli–Giorgio Belladonna,Pietro Forquet–Benito Garozzo, and Massimo D’Alelio–Camillo Pabis Ticci. Eugenio Chiaradia and Guglielmo Siniscalco played in early years; Dano De Falco, Arturo Franco, and Vito Pittalà in late years. The spiritual father, long-time coach, and non-playing captain through 1966 was Carl’Alberto Perroux.

Blue team 1975
Blue team 1975
Source: www.scuolabridgemultimediale.it

32nd European Bridge Championships 1975, Brighton

Wednesday, July 16 1975

This was Board 31 of the match between Italy and Belgium , and I think you will agree that with Arturo Franco in the driving seat the hand was complete handled. (He has been made South for convenience).


A Q 7
Q 4 3
10 4 2
J 7 3 2

10 9 3 2
10 8 5
A 9 6
10 6 4


K J 4
9 7 6 2
J 8 7 5


8 6 5
K Q 3
K 9 8 5

South West North East
1NT Pass 2 Pass
2 Pass 2NT Pass
3NT The End    

West led a low spade which was allowed to run to East’s J, and East returned a heart won by North’s Q. A low club went to the queen and King, and the 8 was taken by the A.

East exited with another heart and franco entered dummy with the J (East discarded a heart) in order to lead a diamond to the Q and A.

A second spade lead came from West and Franco showed his quality going up with the A, cashing the last club, exiting with a spade to force East to lead away from his J to the 10 on the table. Franco thus made one spade, three hearts, two diamonds, three clubs and his contract.

In the other room the final contract was 2NT , just made.

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