Set Up Your Side Suit Early

A valuable method for setting up extra tricks is to use a long suit, but it is very important to have an entry to run this suit. With this in mind, it can be wise to set up your side suit before drawing all the trumps.


 A 4 2
 7 6 3
 J 5 2
 K Q 9 3

 7 6 5
 Q J 9 8
 Q 10 8
 8 7 2


 9 8
 10 5 2
 K 9 7 6

 A 6 5 4


 K Q J 10 3
 A K 4
 A 4 3
 J 10

  Contract: 4  Lead  Q.

  You have eight top tricks and there appear to be three easy extra tricks available from clubs. However, if you draw trumps first and then play clubs, the defenders will take their ace on the second round. Suddenly, you find that your game is going one off because you cannot reach dummy’s club winners. Click here to continue reading

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