HomeBridge Sports @en67 Campeonato Sudamericano de Bridge, Santiago 2017 By Fernando Lema

67 Campeonato Sudamericano de Bridge, Santiago 2017 By Fernando Lema

Photo: Benjamín Robles, Eduardo Rosen y Joaquín Pacareu

Buenos Aires, March 20th, 2017

Roberto Garcia
Roberto Garcia

Next May 5, Friday, will start the great South American bridge party .

This time the appointment will be in Santiago de Chile and our hosts with Roberto Garcia at the top, have everything ready. Once again the event will be unforgettable.

South American Pairs Championship.

Last News:

Joaquín Pacareu and Benjamín Robles, Great South American Masters, have already confirmed their presence. They are number 1 and 2 of the South American Open Ranking. Both have already won this event three times previously: Lima 2008, Paraguay 2011 and Santiago 2014.

For the South American Open Ranking click Here

For the confirmed Pairs: click Here


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