Home2015 Junior USBC

2015 Junior USBC

Source: USBF

The 2015 Juniors USBC was held in Atlanta this week to choose teams to send to the 2016 World Junior Championships, to be held in Salsomaggiore, Italy, from August 3 to 13, 2016. The USA will send two teams to compete in the Patiño Cup (Under 26), one team to compete in the Damiani Cup (Under 21), and one team to compete in the Rona Cup (Women under 26). (Source: Bridgewinners)

Kaplan will be USA1 for the Patiño Cup and Thapa will be USA for the Rona Cup in Salsomaggiore, Italy next August.

The Kaplan Team: Front Row: Zach Brescoll, Adam Grossack & Adam Kaplan; Back Row: Zach Grossack, Kevin Rosenberg & Ben Kristensen will be USA1 for the 2015 Patiño Cup (Under 26).
The Kaplan Team: Front Row: Zach Brescoll, Adam Grossack & Adam Kaplan; Back Row: Zach Grossack, Kevin Rosenberg & Ben Kristensen will be USA1 for the 2016 Patiño Cup (Under 26).

THAPA TEAM: Front row: Isha Thapa, Asya Ladyzhensky, Back row Allison Hunt, Amber Lin, Kathleen Loeb & Becca Wernis, will be the USA team for the 2015 Rona Cup (Young Women under 26).
THAPA TEAM: Front row: Isha Thapa, Asya Ladyzhensky, Back row Allison Hunt, Amber Lin, Kathleen Loeb & Becca Wernis, will be the USA team for the 2016 Rona Cup (Young Women under 26).

2015 Herman Team
The Herman Team: Christian Jolly, Julie Arbit, Greg Herman, Anam Tebha, Jordan Kaye, and Oren Kriegel. Will be USA2 for the 2016 Patiño Cup (Under 26).

Nolan Chang, Hakan Berk, Isaac Stephani & David Soukup
Nolan Chang, Hakan Berk, Isaac Stephani & David Soukup. The Soukup team will add a pair and represent the USBF in the Damiani Cup competition (players under 21)

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