New Orleans 2015: Fredin = Fun


NABC New orleans 2015Friday, March 20th 2015

Schedule, Results, ACBL Live and Bulletins

Vanderbilt results in Bridgewinners, at the end of each set

This Thursday March 19 was played the Vanderbilt Round of 16. One of the matchs was  Monaco vs Rosenthal, and Monaco won 143-103.

Monaco Team: Pierre Zimmermann – Franck Multon – Fulvio Fantoni -Claudio Nunes – Geir Helgemo – Tor Helness

Rosenthal Team: Andrew Rosenthal – Aaron Silverstein – Bjorn Fallenius, Peter Fredin, Johan Upmark – Fredrik Nystrom

The third set was dramatic, it started 14 IMPs to Monaco, but on boards 5, 6 and 7 the Rosenthal team scored 12, 10 and 16 to arrive to a lead of 36 IMPs … yet with hard work, finally Monaco was able to end the set 6 IMPs ahead. NO 2015 V R16 Monaco-Rosenthal Tab 5

Board 5

 After two Pass (Fredin’s Pass seemed strange for him), Fallenius opened 1club, Fredin first showed his hearts in transfer, and afterwards closed the 3NT game, his partner chose to play the heart game.

 Helgemo led a club and Fallenius won with the clubK, to continue with a heart to the jack. Helgemo won and gave his partner a club ruff. Helness had the bad idea to return a small spade… now declarer played the spadeK, and two rounds later he pitched a spade loser in dummy’s clubA for 10 tricks. Was enough to play the spadeA to defeat the contract.

At the other table the bidding was: Pass-Pass-Pass-Pass.NO 2015 V R16 Monaco-Rosenthal Tab 6

Board 6

Fallenius opened 1club, Helgemo competed with hearts and Fredin said 2diamond, Helness doubled to show his spades with minimum points…and Fallenius 3club showed a minimum opening hand with long clubs. Helgemo mentioned spades, and the discusion ended when Fredin closed the club slam.

Lead: heartQ

Although the declarer did not follow a very orthodox line the cards were good enough to reach the 12 tricks. At the other table Nunes opened 2club, showing a minimum hand with long clubs and Nystrom in West doubled, now Fantoni not even thinking a slam possibility closed the club game.NO 2015 V R16 Monaco-Rosenthal Tab 7

Board 7

 Fantoni-Nunes decided to double Nystrom-Upmark 5diamond and were surprised…E/W scored +750. The club void, and the spade king and heart king positions helped Nystrom to make 11 tricks…

 At the other table, N/S reached the 4heart game

 A dream come true, score game at both table the board gave Fredin’s team 16 IMPs.

4th SetNO 2015 V R16 Monaco-Rosenthal Tab 21 a

Board 21

After his partner’s 3NT opening bid, showing a closed major, Fallenius declared the spade slam. Helness heartJ opening lead very quickly vanished any hope At the other table N/S also played the same contract with a club lead and 17 IMPs to Monaco.

Board 23NO 2015 V R16 Monaco-Rosenthal Tab 23

 In this board HH advanced with no problem to the 6spade slam, showing all the  keycards…

Fredin had the lead, and knew that any normal lead would end in 1430 …  so he developed an authentic Fredin play…he led his heart6…the cards helped declarer…nothing to guess.