Neighbour Challenge 2014


April 27, 2014

Open: Denmark-Sweden

Denmark wins the Neighbour Challenge Open 2014 and Netherlands wins the Ladies.

Dinamarca Neighbour Challenge 2014

Neighbour Challenge – EQUIPOS OPEN, resultado final:

  1    2    3    4   Korr.  Sum  Plac.
Denmark Open    6,03  10,61  17,59    73,98  1   
Germany Open  13,97    8,24  14,80  0,26  59,82  2   
Netherlands Open  9,39  11,76    13,52    55,10  3   
Sweden Open  2,41  5,20  6,48    -0,26  51,10  4  
Holanda Damas Neighbour C 2014

Neighbour Challenge – EQUIPOS DAMAS, resultado final:

  1    2    3    4   Korr.  Sum  Plac.
Netherlands Women    9,39  6,25  17,59    73,80  1   
Denmark Women  10,61    13,28  5,82  0,10  65,91  2   
Sweden Women  13,75  6,72    7,45  -0,10  51,82  3   
Israel Women  2,41  14,18  12,55      48,47 

April 26, 2014

Neighbour Challenge is a tournament between the countries of Denmark, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands designed to provide top level practice for the Open and Women’s teams of each country. The Danish Bridge Federation made the initiative for the first Neighbour Challenge in 2013. The ambition is to make this event yearly and serve as warm up for the European and World Team Championships. This year event is being played from April 25th to April 27th.

In 2014 the Israeli Women are participating instead of the German Women, who were not able to send a team this year.

Neighbour Challenge – IMP PAIRS, 25. april 2014: First 5 positions

  10  Magdalena Ticha – Richard Ritmeijer   1 
  17  Hans Chr Graversen – Henrik Caspersen   1 
  11  Tomasz Gotard – Josef Piekarek   3 
  1  Marion Michielsen – Meike Wortel   4 
  19  Ricco van Prooijen – Louk Verhees   5 

IMP Pairs All Positions: Click Here

Neighbour Challenge – OPEN TEAMS EVENT, 26 april 2014, results after the first 3 rounds:

    1    2    3    4   Korr.  Sum  Plac.
Denmark Open    11,83  12,07  15,61    39,51    1   
Sweden Open  8,17    15,93  14,76    38,86    2   
Germany Open  7,93  4,07    10,55    22,55    3   
Netherlands Open  4,39  5,24  9,45      19,08  4

Neighbour Challenge – LADIES TEAMS EVENT, 26 april 2014, results after the first 3 rounds:

    1    2    3    4   Korr.  Sum  Plac.
Netherlands Women    15,28  13,81  12,76    41,85  1   
Denmark Women  4,72    15,77  15,61    36,10  2   
Sweden Women  6,19  4,23    12,30    22,72  3   
Israel Women  7,24  4,39  7,70      19,33  4  

All the Results: Click Here

Neighbour jugadoresLink to the BBO-presentation of the event (pictures of all players, detailed vugraph-schedule and convention cards)