My way – Norberto Bocchi’s: No Divorce is Looming

Norberto Bocchi

Bridge Personality of the Year Award 2012 – Last August the International Bridge Press Association (IBPA) awarded Maria Teresa Lavazza the Bridge Personality Prize of the year 2012. This award acknowledges once more her world-wide fame. The award has been accompanied by this note: “When legendary Non-Playing Captains are discussed, only two names will be mentioned, both Italian: Carl’Alberto Perroux of the Blue Team and Maria Teresa Lavazza of the eponymous Lavazza Team”. This award celebrates the success of Italian bridge in the world and makes us all proud. I take the chance to thank the IBPA for this award and the lovely words that came with it.
 Rumors and free market – I came across a small article in the section “News and Views” of September’s IBPA Bulletin, written as usual by John Carruthers. It says: “We heard from three sources (none of them the principals!) that Duboin and Sementa are finished as a partnership and that Madala/Bocchi will play for Argentina in the future.”. I would like to shed light on this and hush up these ill-founded rumors. For what concerns Duboin-Sementa I can assure you that they do not intend to split up, for now. We all still remember the …Click Here to continue reading