Monaco welcomes The Cavendish 2013 by Jean-Charles Allavena



Monte Carlo: 18-19-20 October 2013: XXV Tournoi International de Bridge (Teams) [ilink url=»»]All the Information[/ilink]

Cavendish Teams – Monday October 21st and Tuesday 22nd

Cavendish Invitational Pairs – Auction: Tuesday Evening October 22nd – Wednesday 23 , Thursday 24th, Friday 25th

2013 Cavendish is in Monaco:

The Cavendish Invitational is centered on the prestigious Cavendish Invitational Pairs event, the world’s largest money bridge tournament. The Pairs tournament is an exclusive, invitation-only event that brings together more than a hundred of the world’s top bridge players to compete for the coveted title of Cavendish Invitational Pairs champion. The event features a Calcutta format in which pairs are auctioned off to the highest bidder during an exciting auction that kicks off Thursday evening. The pairs go head-to-head in matches over the next three days, culminating on the final day of the tournament. The auction money is pooled together and paid out to the owners of the top finishers. A player’s pool based on entry fees by the players themselves is paid directly to the top finishing pairs.

2012 Cavendish was in Monaco: In 2012 World Bridge Productions (WBP) was proud to announce a partnership with The Monaco Bridge Federation (FMB), and that the 2012 edition of The Cavendish Invitational was going to take place in Monaco, October 15th – 19th 2012. The “Monaco Cavendish” respected the structure of the original “Las Vegas Cavendish”, with a 2-day Teams Tournament (October 15th – 16th), and a 3-day Pairs Tournament (October 17th – 19th). However, there were some small changes such as a decrease of the minimum auction level (5000 Euros).

These are some common questions abiut the event:

When did the Cavendish move to Monaco?

We organized the first edition of the Monaco Cavendish last year, 2012.

What was the reason for the change?

We wanted to organize in Monaco something close to the Cavendish, and when, during the 2011 Invitational «Coupe Prince Albert II», we explained our ideas to Roy Welland , he told us: «maybe you can do THE Cavendish», which was confirmed some weeks later by Bob Hamman. It seems to us that the USA difficult economic situation was the reason for the decreasing number of pairs and teams in the last editions of the Las Vegas Cavendish, so Bob thought that this move could refresh and renew the tournament.

Do you believe that having the tournament in Monaco was advantageous for the tournament?

The 2012 results, our first edition, was incredible: 20 teams, 58 pairs, auctions at a level of 636 000 Euros (around 850 000 USD), and it seems that everybody appreciated the venue, the organization, the city… So let’s say that the goal of refreshing or renewing the tournament was achieved.

Is the plan to alternate between Monaco and Las Vegas?

Our idea was clearly this one, but during the week in Monaco, I received a mail from Bob Hamman telling me «we wont do it in 2013″… that is why we decided to do it again, with the Teams event on Oct 21 & 22, and Pairs event on Oct 23 to 25… Till now I’ve no idea about Bob’s will to do it in 2014: of course if he wants, the tournament will go back to Las Vegas.. if he doesn’t, we’ll stay in Monaco, or maybe somewhere else in Europe, a surprise destination, so that players can discover new great places…

The main event is invitational. If a player is interested, what is the process for playing in the Cavendish? Are there events for others who might want to attend?

Yes, the event is invitational, which means that our Board decides who is invited to play and who isn’t… Of course, if someone is interested and hasn’t been contacted, he can send me an e-mail ( , we look at the profile and send (or not) an invitation. Besides this, we organize an Open International Teams Tournament, the 25th, which takes place the weekend before the Cavendish (Oct 18 to 20) and this event is open to all players.

What’s the main difference between Monaco and Las Vegas concerning the players?

Let’s say, of course, that last year we’ve had a much higher number of European players than in Las Vegas: many Italian and French of course, but also from many diverse and even small countries. In contrast, we have lost more american players than I thought we would. It seems that, last year, there was a big regional in Florida at the same time, with players having signed contracts, this was a little bit disappointing. The situation of this year is not really much better,  we’ve had to wait a little bit after Atlanta to have some more answers. It’s a huge pleasure to say that the last winners in Las Vegas, Bobby Levin and Steve Weinstein, Fred Stewart and Kit Woolsey will be in Monaco this year. Quite certainly we will have again: Joe Grue and Brad Moss, but too many others still wont…

Any new things or events?

Well, concerning the Teams and the Pairs, nothing special : we’ve heard some comments and critics about last years weak points, we’ve worked on them, and I believe that we’ll solve all these issues… but the great news is a new project, that we had had in mind for 2014, but due to the enthusiam of people like Jessica Piafsky, we’re trying to do it in 2013: this is the «Ladies Cavendish»… The tournament will take place during the Pairs Cavendish, Ladies will play the same number of boards (and probably the same boards if it’s possible), the entry fees and the minimum for the auction will be lower (750 and 2000, instead of 1500 and 5000). But as we want it to be a great event and a great pleasure for the players, we’ve decided that if we have at least 20 pairs registered at September 1st, we will do it if not we will wait till 2014. We’ve contact many players everywhere around the world, we’ve some interested feedback, let’s work, let’s see, and we’ll decide.. In any case, interested ladies may contact me. ( )

Jean-Charles Allavena

Fed Bridge Monaco