Medellin 2016: Some Boards from the South American Pairs Championship


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May 29, 2016

These are the 2016 new Pairs champions:

Open Ladies Mixted
 Barcellos-Machado  Jaramillo-Ulrich  Gamio-Reygadas

 These year 153 pairs  played the South American Bridge Pairs Chaompionships, in the beautiful Medellin, Colombia.

These were some of the boards:

Medellin 2016 Tab 9 Parejas sesion 1

Board 9 

 Doble dummy, you can see that E/W have 9 tricks playing NT and with a normal defense they dont have 10 tricks in 4 spades.

 But how many pairs managed to forget the 5-3 spade fit to play 3NT?

Med 2013 tab 9 3NT

Only four pairs, chose to play 3NT and all of them scored +600. The rest played 4 spades and Chagas-Villas Boas was the only partnership that made 10 tricks for a TOP_TOP.Med 2016 tab 10

Board 10

E/W with 25 HP have a cold spade slam…How many partnerships arrived to the slam?

As you can read below only Minutti-Pellegrini arrived to the precious slam for a total TOP.

Med 2016 res tab 10

 Board 11Medellin 2016 Tab 11

 After North opening bid, how many E/W pairs arrived to 5 diamonds?

 Where E/W were Caracci-Robles (CHI), after two pass, North opened 1 spade and Robles cometed with 2NT showing minors, y¡these led the partnership to the diamond game.

Med 2016 Tab 11 res

Only 5 pairs arrived to the diamond game, and one of then didnt arrived to trick 11…All the rest was down playing spade contracts.Med 2016 Tab 14

Board 14

8 tables played 4 spades…the defense should not be distracted …

At Diego Brenner table he was the declarer of a 4 spades contract. West led a diamond, East won the trick with his ace and returned a heart, Brenner played low, and West played this king and switched to a small club.

Brenner didnt miss the opportunity, he played small from dummy, won the trick with his valet and continued with a club to the ace, king to pitch his diamond loser.