It’s Your Call II

Dennis Bilde

Bandera de la FIGBItaly; 2016 Open and Ladies Teams Championships

Salsomaggiore 22 – 25 Abril 2016

Results Open          Results Ladies 

April 25, 2016

This Bidding Problem was published in the third Italian Open and Ladies Teams Championships Bulletin. You will be able to compare your answer with some of the best italian and international players:

IMPs. E/W Vulnerable. You are South:

spade suit A 10 7 6 4 3  heart A K Q 9 6 diamond suit  4 club 2

The bidding starts:

West North East South
 Pass  1diamond suit Pass 1spade suit
Pass 3diamond suit Pass 3heart
Pass 3NT Pass ?

After thinking your answer. Below you can find some of the best world players answers:

These are the answers:

Norberto Bocchi
Norberto Bocchi
Norberto Bocchi  5heart. Is almost like “pick a slam” showing a 5-5 hand or more…we can also play 6diamond suit….what I do not dislike … It depends on the quality of my partner’s diamonds.

Thomas Bessis
Thomas Bessis
Thomas Bessis   5heart, to to seek slam in spade, heart or diamond. I think we should have slam. I also thought about bidding 5NT (pick a slam), but I think it would be very difficult for my partner to say 6heart, because I have AKQxx and I didn’t repeat the suit. The advantage of 5heart is that my partner can still bid 6diamond suit if he has a very solid suit.

Dennis Bilde
Dennis Bilde
Dennis Bilde  4club. I hope my partner can interpret it as «a good hand without a good voice.» If he answers 4diamond suit, I  still continue with 4heart (slam invitation). There are many situations in which we can play 6heart but there are others where we should be cautious.

Diego Brenner
Diego Brenner
Diego Brenner   4heart. With no communication between the hand and dummy, I think its better to play 4heart/spade suit or maybe 5diamond suit, if partner has 7 diamond cards.

Andrea Buratti
Andrea Buratti
Andrea Buratti   4diamond suit. If the diamond suit is closed or semi-closed, with the club ace, 6diamond suit is a good contract.

Fabio Lo Presti
Fabio Lo Presti
Fabio Lo Presti   4club. Cue bid: the misfit is not attractive, but with all these sure tricks, I feel obliged to make an effort and try to play slam.