It’s Your Call

Alfredo Versace


Salsomaggiore 30 May – 2 June 2015

June 1, 2015

This is a Bidding Test published in the second Italian Mixed teams Championship Bulletin. You will be able to compare your answer with some of the best italian and french players:

MP, None Vulnerable. You are South:

spade suit 4 3 heart 9 7 diamond suit K J 9 7 2  club A K Q 4

The bidding:

West North East South
1spade suit  2heart  2spade suit Double*
3spade suit 4diamond suit Pass ?

* Minors

After thinking your answer. Below you can find some of the best players from Italy and France answers:








These are the experts answers:

A. Versace
A. Versace
I find this hand extremely difficult! I would not know what to say 😆  Because of my style I would say 4heart because my partner must have 6/4.

Rodolfo Cerretto
Rodolfo Cerretto
4heart. I have shown the minors, so my partner will not expect a three cards support. He will choose. True, it would be better to have a doubleton honor, but we live in an imperfect world.

Monica Buratti
Monica Buratti
5diamond suit. My partner made a free bid, I think he has interesting cards, but slam seems too risky.

Valerio Giubilo
Valerio Giubilo
4NT. Slam attempt with no spade control.

Giuliana Pederzoli
Giuliana Pederzoli
If I can use Turbo I say 4NT, if I cant I say 5club