It’s Your Call

Alfredo Versace


Salsomaggiore 30 May – 2 June 2015

June 1, 2015

This is a Bidding Test published in the second Italian Mixed teams Championship Bulletin. You will be able to compare your answer with some of the best italian and french players:

MP, E/W Vulnerable. You are Sur with:

spade suit A heart A 5 4 diamond suit A 8 6 club K Q 7 6 4 2

The bidding:

West North East South
2spade suit 4heart 4spade suit  ?

After thinking your answer. Below you can find some of the best players from Italy and France answers:









These are the experts answers:

A. Versace
A. Versace
4NT, because we are going to play in hearts, if I dont hear a Cue Bid, I pass over 5heart.

Rodolfo Cerretto
Rodolfo Cerretto
6heart. I dont expect to find beautiful hearts and the clubA, with that I would play 7 (my partner would have said 3heart over the 2spade suit). I do not want to give too much information, because I fear a diamond lead and do not want to make life easier to my opponents.

Paolo Clair
Paolo Clair
6heart.  If my partner have many cute hearts he must not have another thing: I hope they do not lead a diamond!

Chaterine D'ovidio
Catherine D’ovidio
4NT, followed by 5heart, to show slam interest. I dont want to play 6heart if my partner has this kind of hand:spade suit xxx heart KQJxxxx diamond suit xx clubx. If my partner says 5club I can bid 6heart hoping he has a single diamond …I know that my partner cant have:heartKQxxxxx and the clubA, too much for 4heart.

Valerio Giubilo
Valerio Giubilo
4NT declarative, which may contain different  kind of hands (strong heart fit, 6-4 minors, very strong one color hand).

Simoneta Paoluzi
Simoneta Paoluzi
4NT: as an attempt to slam, can be a one color strong hand or a hand with fit; next round I would say 5heart  showing my hand and if my partner has extra values (eg singleton diamond) he should say 6.

Giuliana Pederzoli
Giuliana Pederzoli
4NT…Not ace asking for me, but asking for useful cards. If he answers 5heart, I pass. If he says 5diamond suit or 5club I bid the slam.