Italy: Open Teams Championship; Match Lavazza-Angelini


May 1st;  2015

In the first round of the Italian Open Teams Championship 2015, in the main room (VG live) was played the Italian derby: Lavazza vs Angelini.

On this occasion Angelini, the home team, presented Lorenzo Lauria-Alfredo Versace and Antonio Sementa-Mustafa Cem Tokay a couple who is making his debut in Salsomaggiore. Lavazza was: Alejandro Bianchedi-Giorgo Duboin and Norberto Bocchi-Agustin Madala.

The match result was:

2,83 17,17 (14-47)

As so often happens in bridge three boards in a row defined the match …

 Board 10CEL Italia 2015 Tablilla 10

An auction in which the majors famous battle, defined a double-digit swing.

Close Room:

After Tokay’s 1spade opening bid, Bocchi puts pressure on opponents with 4heart, Sementa competed with 4spade but Madala decided to buy the fith level with a 5heart call. Tokay pass, asked his partner to define, Sementa chose to double. Bocchi was one down…CEL Italia 2015 Tablilla 10 a

In the open room after the same opening bid Lauria chose to bid 2heart to show defensive values. This generated a completely different sequence, that ended with E/W playing 4spade. Versace with his spadeAJ chose to double.

Lauria led his diamondA, but after his partner’s diamond5 and dummy’s diamond K J, thinking that his partner had the club ace instead of the spades ace, switched to a club. This gave declarer the opportunity to play three club rounds to pitch dummy’s heart loser, draw trumps and claim…11 IMPs for Lavazza. CEL Italia 2015 Tablilla 11

Board 11

Bocchi-Madala chose to play the hand in the spade 5-2 fit. During the play, Bocchi pitched one of his club losers in a high diamond for 11 tricks.

CEL Italia 2015 Tablilla 11 a

At the othet table Versace-Lauria played 3NT. The club lead, generated three defense tricks. The diamondA…and the losing spade finesse…were the other two tricks…for one down and another 11 IMPs for Lavazza.

Board 12 CEL Italia 2015 Tablilla 12

After learning that they didnt have a heart fit Duboin-Bianchedi played the NT game.

After the spade lead, declarer made: two spades, three hearts, dos diamonds and one club…for 400. At the other table Sementa chose to find out if a red slam was a possibility and the couple landed in 5diamond, one down. 10 IMPs for Lavazza.

This is the whole match: