Italian Open Teams trials, last Stage

Equipo Gerli

Source: BDI Online leggi In Italiano

From Thursday 13 to 16 February in Salsomaggiore Terme will be played the final stage of the Italian National Open team Trials .

The Angelini team  (F. Angelini, E. Bove, L. Cima, V. Giubilo, L. Lauria, A. Sementa, A. Versace) will be the Italian National team for the next European Open Teams Championships  (Opatija, Croatia, june 21-1 july 2014).

The Gerli team (A. Gerli, M. Baldi, N. Del Buono, F. Murgia, P. Parolaro, G. Patelli) will be the Italian National team for the Rosenblum Cup (Sanya, China, second week World Bridge Series).

Saturday 15th; February: The Final: Angelini-Gerli.

The 8 sets x 16 boards, will be played during Friday-Saturday-Sunday. After the first two sets the match is:

Angelini 82-Gerli: 23

Antonio Sementa, Lorenzo Lauria, Alfredo Versace
Antonio Sementa, Lorenzo Lauria,
Alfredo Versace: Angelini Team

Friday February 14th 2014:

Semifinals:  The 4 casino online teams that beat the first stage will face like this:

Angelini Bridge Team  deffeated  Buscaglia C.lo Bridge Novara by 240-80 (the second withdraw)

Cesati A.B.A./T.C.A. Milano vs Gerli Padova Bridge. Gerli wins the semifinal: Cesati 202 – Gerli 213 .

The matches: 6 sets of 16 boards each and will be played on Thursday and Friday.

Equipo Cesati
Equipo Cesati

Final :

The Teams that winning their semifinal matches will meet in the final ( the other two teams are definitely out ) . The Final match: 8 sets of 16 boards each, and will be played from Friday to Sunday .

Equipo Gerli
Equipo Gerli

The winner will constitute the Italian National Open Team and will play in the upcoming European Team Championships ( Opatija , Croatia, June 21-July 1, 2014 ), the losing team will represent Italy in the next Rosenblum Cup ( Sanya, China, 18 to 23 October 2014 ) .

The matches will be transmitted live on Bridge Base Online.