IBPA: News & Views May 2014

International Bridge Press Association

2015 World Championships


The Bridge Federation of India has announced that Chennai will host the Bermuda Bowl, Venice Cup, d’Orsi Trophy and Transnational Teams next year. The tournament dates are September 26-October 10, 2015 at the ITC Grand Chola Hotel in Chennai.

German Bridge Federation Takes Action

The DBV (Deutscher-Bridge-Verband) has announced that Michael Elinescu and Entscho Wladow have been provisionally suspended from playing in national and international events pending the outcome of their appeal
against the 10-year-ban imposed by the World Bridge Federation for “reprehensible conduct” at the World Championships in Bali in 2013. The DBVV has created a five-person panel to examine the evidence and report.

Early Cavendish DetailsMonaco Cavendish 2013 400 x 260

Monaco will again host the Cavendish in 2014, with the Teams on September 1st and 2nd, the Pairs on September 3rd, 4th and 5th and the Invitational Monaco Teams on the 5th, 6th and 7th. Entry fees for the Cavendish Teams remains at 7,500 Euro, but to encourage wider participation, this will be reduced to 3,500 Euro for teams of Juniors, Seniors and Women. For the Juniors, the entry fee includes accommodation during the Teams event.

A Plan for a New European Bridge LeagueEBL

Panos Gerontopoulos has authored what could be an important document in the history of the EBL, arguing cogently for a new direction focussed on development. He states that, currently, the League is mired in everyday details and does not plan for the future and that this must change. The document can be found on the IBPA website at … Click here

Pro-Bridge Launchedpro bridge logo

Sally Brock, Simon Cope and Ben Green have launched a professional bridge agency called ProBridge. The idea
is that bridge professionals in all areas of the game (be it playing professionally or teaching, both online and face-to-face) sign up to the site and then potential clients can browse and find a professional to match their needs. Visit www.pro-bridge.co.uk for more information.