«How much for Good Timing?»


by:  Jan Wohlin (SUE)  from Bridge Argentino 1975

 A 4
 Q 3
 A K J 5 2
 6 4 3 2
 K Q J 8 6
 7 4 2
 7 6 3
 A Q













The end

Contract: 4

Lead: K

 West lead the K and won the first trick, he continued with the 2.

From this moment, what would be your plan to make 10 tricks?


 Before starting the discussion lets see the four hands:

 A 4
 Q 3
 A K J 5 2
 6 4 3 2
 10 7 5 2
 A K J 9
 9 4
 K 10 5
 9 3
 10 8 6 5
 Q 10 8
 J 9 8 7
 K Q J 8 6
 7 4 2
 7 6 3
 A Q

South realized that he had no chance to ruff in dummy his third heart, as the defense could play a second trump, if opps could get in.

Therefore, after having taken all trumps from West, South continued with the Q finesse…failed, East returned a heart  and the defense claimed four more tricks for one down.

South’s plan was really bad. He should have tried to set the diamond suit, while still controlling the third round of hearts, with a trump in dummy.

After taking the second trick with dummy´s A, South should have played a small diamond from the table and let the defense win the trick.

At this point any return is unproductive, dummy still has a trump to control a third heart round, no matter what is the returner card, South plays trumps and fulfills his contract.

He gets: five trump tricks, four diamonds and a club.