How Do You Play II Solution


Source: Asociacion Española de Bridge


Dealer: South  N/ Vulnerable


A Q 8 3 2
J 10 9 7
7 6 5




A K Q 8
A J 6 3
K 8 3 2

W      N          E           S
Paso 1 Paso 2
Paso 4* Fin  

* 1 in this sequence 4 is weaker than 3.

Lead: K

First trick K, 5,4,A…how do you play?  As the lead isnt a trump, you have the opportunity to do 10 tricks with a cross-ruff (4 trumps each hand,  A and A).
But beware of timing. It is imperative to start with the A and another spade before playing A and diamond ruffed.
If you reverse the order, you wont be able to ruff the last spade in the hand, due to lack of communication.