Falsifying the Count by Alfred Sheinwold

Norman Kay Alfred Sheinwold and Eddie Kantar

aaSpokane Chronicle – 15 Abr 1982

Play today’s hand according to your opponents.

Take the ace of spades and draw trumps. Then, if West is an average player, lead the deuce of diamonds at once. West will probably give himself away or take the ace if he has it.

If the opponents are weak, take five trumps and all of the clubs before leading diamonds. Their discards should tell you how to play the diamonds.

If West is an expert, run the clubs to discard dummy’s jack of spades.

West than believes that you plan to ruff a spade in dummy. Give West time to count that you started with six trumps and four clubs. Since West also credits you with two spades, West «knows» that you have only one diamond. When you then lead the deuce of diamonds the expert West is sure to take the ace (if he has it).

Why let you steal an overtrick with your singleton diamond? And if the expert West doesn’t play the ace, you play East for the ace.