End Play By Frank Stewart

Frank Stewart

Source: The Day – 17 Jul 2000

West dealer Both sides vulnerable

Opening lead – Q

I’ll bet most players think their dummy play is more effective than their defense. (On defense, alas, they have a partner to cope with.)

Would you rather try to make today’s 3NT or try to beat it?

Say South wins the first heart and leads a low spade through West, who opened the bidding. West plays low, and South takes the king and next runs five diamonds. West can pitch two clubs, but if he Ihrows a third club, South can lead a low club to drop the ace. If West throws a heart, South leads the ace and then a low heart; and West must give South the king of clubs at the end.

End Play

In real life, an expert West might prevail: He’d see the end play coming and would pitch one heart and the five and queen of clubs. If South thought West began with  AJ7  QJ1094  74  AQ5, he’d lead a club and go down. (But yes, an expert West might play the jack of spades at Trick Two if he had that hand, avoiding the end play.)

So, would you rather try to make 3NT or try to beat it?