«El Firulete» by Ana Roth y Fernando Lema


The «El Firulete» is one of the most known tangos, writen in 1958; its lyrics refers to the tango importance over the new music invasion to the Buenos Aires culture. The word «Firulete» comes from the word Feroleto (small flower) and refers to the decorations. The Firulete is a very delicate and complicated tango movement that only can run the great dancers.

Islandia Campeon del Mundo 1991
Islandia Campeon del Mundo 1991

July 28, 2011,

Gordon (Seed # 12) vs Iceland (Seed # 21)

after the first 16 hands the match was: Iceland 44- Gordon 12.

In the open room for Iceland were:

Jon Baldursson (West) – Thorlakur Jonsson (East)

and for  Gordon: Mark Gordon (North) – Pratap Rajadhyaksha (South) 

«Who was the rare insect that told you, hey kid
that the time of the arabesque is gone?
No matter how much they play merengues and congas it has always been time for a milonga…

 7 2
 K J 10 9 8 6 5
 10 3
 Q 5

 A 10 9 6 4
 Q 7
 A 9 7 
 A 9 6

 K Q J
 4 3
 Q 8 6 5 2
 K 4 3

   8 5 3
 A 2  
 K J 4
 J 10 8 7 2

Close Room:

Dealer: North,  East/West Vulnerables

West            North            East             South            
Sontag Jorgensen Berkovich Einarsson
  2* Pass 2
2 Pass 3 Pass
3 End         


Contract: 3

Lead 10

Declarer played  dummy’s Q, South played his K and West won the trick with his A. He played 3 trump rounds (K, Q y J), lost a diamond and a heart for 10 tricks: +170.

Open Room:

West North East                South              
Baldursson Pratap Jonsson Gordon
  2*               Pass Pass
2 Pass 3 Pass
4 End         

Lead: 5

Jon Baldursson y Gabriel Chagas
Jon Baldursson & Gabriel Chagas

Loosers: 2 hearts, 1 club & y 1 or 2 diamonds?. ¿How would you play the hand?.

¿What about trying an intrafinesse? A coup described by the Grand World Master Gabriel Chagas.

Gordon won the lead with his A and returned his 2. Declarer played the Q, North won with his K and returned a trump. The declarer won the third trick with dummy´s J, played the Q and overtake it with his A, to play the 7, North played the 3, dummy the 2 and South won the trick with his J.

Islandia 2013
Iceland 2013

Baldursson had a plan ON: win the trump or club return in dummy and play the Q, capturing both honors: K and10…

South knowing what was going on…played a diamond, but Baldursson sticked to his plan, played little from hand, and smiled when he saw North’s 10 over the table, won the trick with dummy´s Q,  run the last trump and claimed 10 tricks.