Dummy Reversal


    Most commonly, in a trump contract, we accumulate extra tricks by getting a ruff or two in the short hand. However, we «reverse the dummy» when we go for extra tricks by ruffing in the long hand. For example, in a 5-3 fit we might be able to count 5 trump tricks plus a ruff in the short hand for a total of 6. Or, by «reversing the dummy», we might get to 6 by counting 3 ruffs in the long hand plus 3 trump tricks in the short hand. Those ruffs in the long hand must be taken early in the play, before drawing trumps.


    Related Extracts from Past  http://wednesdaygame.com


    Dealer South Vul N-S


    Q 8 4
    5 4 2
    K Q 9
    Q 10 6 5


    9 7 6 3 2
    10 9 6
    A J 6 2


    K J 10
    Q 7 3
    10 4 3
    A K 7 2


    A 5
    A K J 8
    8 7 5
    9 8 4 3

    West North East South
    Pass 1NT Pass Pass
    2 The End    

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